The List

Contest Name :Family Gathering, Submission Date :03-17-2007, Uploaded By : Ms Alle
Directed By :  Adam Todd, Prod/Dir/Cinematographer,Sydney, Australia,
   Crew Members: 4  Duration:
, , United Kingdom   Views: 2559
Inspiration: When you want to do something on the sly, you need to create a reason.
Other Info: 2 days shooting, 2 days in the Supreme Court, 2 days post. Egat! 13 Scenes in a day. Never again.

Sweet. Am still smiling. One knows the end from the word go but nevertheless wants to enjoy the journey and is not disappointed. Good job. 
Good attempt, but your timing was off... the surprise ending would have worked much better if you hadn't given so many hints in advance. I mean it's a 3 minute movie, you could have carried the suspense to the end but instead the impact fizzled. Predictable 